New Update: Sept 19th, 2021

Thanks for your in Victory or Death: A Sendak Fan Zine! Below you'll find more info about the zine and what to expect from it. Make sure to check back once in a while for updates!
Current Status
January 11th, 2023: Fuss here. Again.First off, I'm sorry. To those who contributed, to those who are still waiting on their books and their merch, I'm truly, truly sorry. I didn't set out to make people wait this long. I thought I could get it all done myself but I should have asked for help long, long ago.Presently, I've set a goal of January 31st to finish the layout of the book and get a preview out to all of the contributors so they can ask for updates to their information. I'd done it the other way around before, and that was frankly stupid of me, organization-wise and I'm hoping that doing it this way instead will make things easier.As ever, if you want a refund for any reason, email me and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can. I'm just sorry, again, for the long wait, and the silence on my part.Thanks, all.
September 19th, 2021: Hi again, all. Fuss here.I want to apologize again for the excessive delay in getting the zine out. Like most of you, 2020/21 has been kind of a ride. Still, that doesn't excuse the fact that it's taken me this long to get the zine finished and get it out to everyone.Like I've been saying for a while, now, I'm at the last mile marker of this whole thing. Literally all I have to do is wrap the book up and send it out for printing, and then I can get it distributed to everyone who ordered it. The problem has just been in my own inability to delegate tasks, and the fact that most everything that needed to be done, had to be done by me anyway. And whenever I finished one thing, there was just "one more thing" that needed to be done in order to be truly finished.That's going to change this week. I have help from a couple of friends who are sitting with me on Discord and making sure I get this thing finished this week. I just finished the final illustration that needs to go into the credits page, and I just need to fill that out and finish applying final edits to the fics.
Credits Pages
Doodle Page
Rather than go on and on, here's a list of some important bits to know:The merch is all done, pretty much. I just have to press the buttons, but that's something I can literally get done while I wait for the book to be proofed.Once I have the books in hand, I'll be sending out the PDF version of the zine to everyone who ordered it. Physical shipments will begin soon after, starting with domestic shipments, then international shipments. Then I will be sending out contributor copies.I'm including another bonus postcard as thanks for everyone's patience.Once I have the final PDF assembled, I will be sending it out to contributors so they can double-check their details. I expect this process to take anywhere from a couple of days to a week depending on how quickly everyone gets back to me.I'll be re-confirming shipping addresses with both supporters and contributors before I ship everything out, in case anyone has moved during the meantime.The money for the book is still in the zine account. I've been replenishing the bank fees out of my own funds just to make certain it doesn't come up short.Regardless of how much is left after printing and shipping costs, Feline Community Network will be getting at least a $200 donation from me in the zine's name. If there's more left, they will be getting more, but they will receive no less than that.If you have any other questions or need to request a refund, please contact me directly by e-mail at [email protected] or via DM on our Twitter account. For some reason Tumblr isn't giving me notifications when I receive messages, and I don't want anyone's inquiries to get lost.I appreciate everyone's patience during this whole ordeal. I know fandom in general has had its share of zine drama of all kinds, and things have been especially strained thanks to Covid. It's certainly been testing me, along with the other, smaller setbacks that have happened along the way (water issues, not even once). That's no excuse for having taken nearly two years to distribute this zine, but I'm going to everything in my power to finish it by the end of this week.Thanks for sticking with me throughout this horrible, weird ride that has been the pandemic. I hope it ends soon, but more than that I hope the zine is some measure of comfort to everyone once you all have it in hand.💜 Mod Fuss
June 4th, 2020: Hey, everybody. Fuss here.I wanted to take a moment and apologize for the lack of updates and the extreme lag in shipment of the books. As I mentioned before, all of the merchandise is done and ready to be shipped.The issue has been me, and my inability to focus on getting the last couple of pieces done for the book. They're just about done, but because of personal reasons (and to a lesser extent, the pandemic) it's been hard to get done what I need to do.As of today, I've finished one of the last two pieces I needed to finish, and the other is just about done. After that, I just need to insert them into the book and get it proofed. Thankfully, our printer is still operating, so that should be the least of our issues.Going forward, the only hurdle I expect is whether certain countries are accepting shipments from the United States. If I anticipate an issue, I will get into contact before I send off your package.If you have questions, please get in contact with me on Twitter and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.I apologize again for letting the project drag out this long. It wasn't my intent, and I just want to assure everyone that yes, there is still going to be a book. The money for printing and shipping is still in the (separate) account, and it will still be used to get this thing out to everyone.Thank you for your patience.January 16, 2020: I've sent out an email to everyone who's ordered a book to keep you all apprised of the book's status. I (the organizer) am finishing up some artwork that has yet to go into the book, but the ETA for that is currently January 23rd (next week as of this writing).Once everything is together I'll be sending the book out for proofing. While it's tempting to skip this step in order to save time, I want to ensure that everything looks correct, rather than waste all the effort and risk sending out something that looks less than ideal.I want to take this time to apologize to everyone who's had to wait so long for their zine to arrive, and for the lack of updates regarding it. I assure you that it's still actively being worked on, it was just a much bigger job than I was expecting, trying to balance this and my other work.Thank you so much for your patience, everyone. I'll do my best to make this worth the wait.October 9, 2019: Pre-orders have been closed for a few days, and we're now in the process of finalizing the book and getting all of the merchandise ordered.Pre-orders are expected to ship in early- to mid-November.August 15, 2019: Added a proper contributor list to the site, as well as a little more information about the charity we intend to support with sales from the book.August 13, 2019: Our contributor list is live! Please have a look at our announcement post on Tumblr for more details!
Book Theme
There is no specific theme to this zine other than "The life and times of Commander Sendak." Works can feature other characters, but it should generally be Sendak-centric.Ships: This is not a ship-centric zine, though they will be present, including Sendak/Shiro and Sendak/Lotor.Rating: Victory or Death is intended for audiences above the age of 13. Your mileage may vary.
All net proceeds from the sale of Victory or Death will benefit the Feline Community Network of Hobart, Indiana.Feline Community Network is a non-profit dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and adoption of homeless cats in Hobart and the surrounding areas.While in need of assistance even under normal circumstances, they are in the midst of renovating and moving into a new facility and can use all the help they can get right now.
Book Specifications
9in x7.5in, landscape format, perfect bound. The page count is yet to be determined but is presently hovering between 80 to 100.
Contributor Compensation
As this is a charity zine, no participants will be receiving monetary compensation. All participants will be receiving a complimentary copy of the physical book and related merch as thanks for their contribution.Net proceeds from the zine will be donated to Feline Community Network, a cat rescue, rehabilitation and adoption center located in Hobart, IN.
Release Date
Victory or Death will be released in both print and PDF forms. Pre-orders for the physical book will be held from August 20th to September 20th, 2019. Barring unexpected obstacles during manufacturing, shipments should go out beginning in late October or early November.
Brought to you by the VOD Zine team:
Fuss -
Ruby -

Application Guidelines
If you want to create a comic, please submit an example comic between 2-4 pages in length.We encourage you to volunteer to illustrate for a fic, but this is not required in order to participate.
WRITERS: Please submit an Ao3 link to at least one completed piece of fiction, of 2,000 words or fewer. Galra-centric work is preferred, but whatever you feel best reflects your abilities will be accepted.
Please note: You must be willing to join a Discord server in order to participate. This site and the blog are intended to be hubs of information for the general public. Most discussions regarding the zine will be conducted on Discord, and it is vital that all participants be present in order to keep up with any changes to the project.
Managed to get through all of that? Great! Now click the button and show us what you've got!If you have any questions, make sure to drop us a line over on Tumblr and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can!